Metal Gear Solid 4 How Did Johnny Get So Good UPDATED

Metal Gear Solid 4 How Did Johnny Get So Good

This article is virtually Johnny Sasaki. You may be looking for his grandad, who is besides named Johnny.

Johnny Sasaki, nicknamed Akiba by his comrades in Rat Patrol Squad 01, was a U.S. Army soldier, and sometimes mercenary, who participated in the Shadow Moses Incident, the Big Shell Incident and, more prominently, the events of the Guns of the Patriots Incident. His grandfather, also named Johnny, was encountered by Naked Serpent during Operation Serpent Eater.

During the Guns of the Patriots Incident, his unabridged trunk was ofttimes covered with clothing computers. Using a wrist-mounted keyboard and a goggle monitor, he specialized in scouting, patrolling, record keeping, data assay, explosives, and traps. He became proficient in these areas in an endeavor to match the skills of his nanomachine-enhanced teammates, though he would later admit that he never came close to doing so. Johnny suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and, due to his lack of nanomachines, besides consumed local water without normal nanomachine filtration. This caused his diarrhea and cramps to get particularly bad during missions, although he seemed to blame the bouts of diarrhea on trying to hold upwardly good-looking women during a mission.

Despite his poor hand-to-mitt skills and more often than not hapless behavior, Johnny exhibited fantabulous firearms proficiency when he finally engaged in a gunfight with Liquid Ocelot'southward FROG troops (an before incident with the safety left on notwithstanding).


  • ane Biography
    • Early career
    • 1.ii Shadow Moses Incident
    • one.3 The Manhattan Incident
    • 1.4 Guns of the Patriots Incident
  • 2 Nickname
  • iii Unconfirmed history
  • 4 Backside the scenes
    • 4.1 Metal Gear Solid, Integral, and The Twin Snakes
    • 4.2 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Freedom
    • 4.3 Metallic Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
    • 4.4 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
    • four.5 Metal Gear Solid V: Footing Zeroes
    • iv.6 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
    • four.7 Versus Boxing
  • v Appearances
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 Notes and references


Early career

Circa 2004, Johnny joined the U.S. armed forces.[1]

Shadow Moses Incident

Main commodity: Shadow Moses Incident

During the Shadow Moses Incident, Johnny was 1 of the Genome Soldiers that took part in Liquid Snake's defection. He was the guard assigned to watch the DARPA Chief and Meryl Silverburgh's cells, during Solid Ophidian's beginning infiltration of the facility. Upon seeing Meryl for the first time, Johnny immediately fell in love with her.[2] Later on, while in the bathroom, Johnny complained to himself most a cold he had defenseless and how much he hated Alaska, before commenting on how "built" Meryl was.[3] Afterward hearing Meryl banging on her prison cell door, Johnny opened it and was immediately knocked unconscious and stripped of his wearing apparel, which she used as a disguise. His Codec was also stolen past Meryl, which after ended upwards being cleaved when her cover was blown.[4] [5] [6]

Johnny is knocked unconscious during Meryl's escape.

Later on acquiring some more apparel, Johnny was later on assigned to guard Solid Ophidian's cell in the medical room, after the latter was captured by Sniper Wolf. He only opened the jail cell for Snake whenever Revolver Ocelot requested that he be brought to him for further interrogation.[7] While guarding the cell, Johnny periodically complained about his cold, which he was notwithstanding suffering from despite having taken medicine,[8] [nine] and also took frequent bathroom breaks due to his diarrhea. Despite his feelings towards Meryl, he was angered that she had earlier stolen his compatible, referring to her every bit a "witch."[ten] Johnny was after fooled by Snake, when the latter played dead by lying down in a puddle of ketchup, resembling blood.[xi] Later on unlocking the cell to investigate, he was afterwards knocked out again.

The Manhattan Incident

Meet also: Tanker Incident and the Big Shell Incident

Unlike the surviving Genome Soldiers who had participated in the rebellion, Johnny somehow managed to avert being detained at Pease AFB in the aftermath of the Shadow Moses Incident and eventually joined the Gurlukovich Mercenaries. He participated in the takeover of the Big Shell, though he connected to endure from tum problems. During a bathroom break in the Shell one Core, he briefly talked about his fourth dimension in Alaska and how much his commanding officer, Olga Gurlukovich, reminded him of Meryl. He also mentioned that "things really started to hit the skids" and "up to that point, [he] was steady cruising on the elite course." Finally, he commented that the "Russian coiffure [was] a pretty decent agglomeration", how much "the President'southward escort guys" annoyed him, and that he just had to hang in there. His monologue ended with him realizing that there was no toilet paper.

Johnny later ran into Emma Emmerich while she was crossing the Strut 50 Oil Fence. Although he was assigned to scout out for intruders, he lowered his gun when he saw that she was an unarmed adult female. Johnny then reflected on the danger of associating with cute women during a mission, referring to his past experience with Meryl at Shadow Moses. He told Emma that it would crusade diarrhea, right earlier being hitting with a tour. Johnny was then forced to release Emma and run off to observe the bathroom, with Emma commenting, "what a weird guy."[12]

Guns of the Patriots Incident

See also: Liquid Lord's day, Solid Sun, Third Sun, Twin Suns, Old Sun, and Naked Sin/Naked Son

Johnny attempts to hold up Solid Snake, without realizing his safety is still on.

Afterwards the Large Shell Incident, Johnny somehow returned to the U.S. war machine, despite his checkered history, and joined Meryl'southward Rat Patrol Team 01,[13] with his teammates calling him past the nickname Akiba due to his love of Tokyo's world famous Akihabara electronics district. The guns he carried were ID guns under the SOP Arrangement that he modified into non-ID guns using rare parts acquired through secret channels in Akihabara.[xiv] During Rat Patrol'southward undercover PMC investigation in the Heart Due east in 2014, Akiba hid inside a drum barrel, presumably to scout the electric current situation of the area for Rat Patrol, but he ended up being hitting with a bout of diarrhea, and was forced to blow his cover to release his bowels, drawing a Heart Eastern militia soldier to his location and having to run away with his pants partially upwardly. This also inadvertently saved Solid Snake the trouble of hiding from the aforementioned militia soldier. He had a brief run-in with Serpent, whom he didn't recognize, and attempted to hold him up at gunpoint. However, he kept the safety on plainly due to negligence. When Snake pointed this out and accused him of being a rookie, Johnny denied this and stated that he was a "ten year vet." However, despite his training, Johnny was ultimately unsure as to whether he did leave it on and tried to check, thus resulting in Snake easily disarming Johnny and then holding him upward instead, causing Serpent to question how he had fifty-fifty survived for ten years. Johnny accidentally attracted a big battalion of FROGS by the reflection of his binoculars. The Rat Patrol and Snake did boxing with the FROGS, and Johnny, in typical Sasaki fashion, lost control of his bowels during the boxing. After Liquid Ocelot shut off the SOP system present in all active soldiers (PMCs and Rat Patrol alike), Johnny was the merely soldier on the battlefield who was not affected. After Snake complanate in the middle of the warzone, Johnny was able to locate him and elevate him to safe.

Johnny "Akiba" Sasaki, circa 2014.

Snake reconvened with the Rat Patrol in Eastern Europe on his mission to locate Big Mama, with Johnny excitedly greeting Ophidian before being knocked downwards by his comrade, and Snake irritably questioning what is wrong with him. Later, Rat Patrol led an ground forces attempting to terminate Liquid from escaping with the stolen body of Big Dominate. Liquid shut off the SOP arrangement over again, causing the unabridged U.S. armed forces to fall to slaughterhouse. Johnny saved Meryl from drowning afterwards she was knocked into the river, and for the first time, he removed his balaclava and sunglasses to perform CPR on her. Subsequently waking upward from her near decease experience, Meryl was surprised but relieved, as she shared a passionate kiss with him.

After a mission conference on the USSMissouri, Johnny, along with Meryl and Snake, were launched by catapults onto Liquid's massive warship, Outer Haven. Johnny missed his mark and fell into the ocean. He somehow managed to board the ship and appeared with a Barrett M82-A2 (which he had gotten from Drebin) and his XM8 Compact, saving Meryl and Snake from a troop of FROGS.

Johnny arrives to protect Meryl.

Johnny was then attacked by Screaming Mantis and knocked unconscious, only Mantis was unable to control him using her Psycho Mantis doll due to his lack of nanomachines; he had skipped out on all mandatory injections of nanomachines because of his fear of needles. Snake defeated Screaming Mantis and left Johnny and Meryl to hold off the relentless waves of FROGS.

During their massive fire fight with the FROGS, Johnny revealed to Meryl that he had joined the unit to become close to her, because he had been in love with her since the day that he laid eyes on her on Shadow Moses. Eventually, he proposed to Meryl, while in the heat of battle. At kickoff she rejected him, only Johnny persisted past asking her if they just moved in or that it didn't accept to be official. Afterward fending off more FROGS, Meryl decided that she wanted to do things "her mode" and demanded Johnny to marry her. Johnny was briefly stunned simply accepted proverb that it would be a pleasure. They eliminated a few more than FROGS then shared a kiss and continued with fighting the countless waves of FROGS. Towards the end of the boxing, things were looking grim. Both of them suffered countless gunshot wounds. The FROGS were closing in to bargain their finishing strike. Luckily, Snake and Otacon had successfully deactivated the remainder SOP just in time, causing the FROGS to seize up and faint. Afterward the mission had succeeded, and the two of them had healed up, Johnny and Meryl married with fellow Rat Patrol members Ed and Jonathan serving equally the priest and best man, respectively.


Johnny'due south nickname "Akiba" refers to the Akihabara district of Tokyo filled with stores selling electronics, manga, anime trade, and other products designed to entreatment to the otaku subculture. "Akibakei" is Japanese slang similar in meaning to "otaku."

Unconfirmed history

The following information has been detailed in official Konami-licensed media, written by diverse external authors. Its status in the Metal Gear canon is unconfirmed.[?]

Prior to FOXHOUND'due south revolt on Shadow Moses Island, Johnny served as the head computer technician on the base of operations.[15]

Backside the scenes

Metal Gear Solid, Integral, and The Twin Snakes

Johnny is a recurring comic relief character who first appears equally an enemy guard in Metal Gear Solid. Johnny's character is never named in-game and is listed simply in the end credits equally Johnny Sasaki. His surname comes from the game's graphic symbol model designer, Hideki Sasaki. According to the developers' commentary in Metallic Gear Solid: Integral, Sasaki was known among the staff for his slackoff beliefs and the graphic symbol was included in the game every bit an in-joke.[sixteen] His surname is never actually mentioned in-game, as it only appears in the end credits of the first ii Metallic Gear Solid games.

Johnny'southward nearly to suffer a tour of diarrhea while guarding Snake's cell in Metal Gear Solid.

Whenever Johnny is rendered unconscious in Metal Gear Solid, his body ever falls to the floor in the same position; face up down with his rear in the air. In the Japanese version, Johnny is shown wearing just his boxer shorts afterward having his uniform stolen by Meryl, whereas the English version (and the Nintendo GameCube remake The Twin Snakes) has him completely naked, with his individual parts censored by a mistiness. The PC port, based on Metal Gear Solid: Integral, and a flashback in Metallic Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, show him in his boxers. Johnny's graphic symbol also features as a doubtable in the lineup of "Mystery" Level 6 in Integral, in which his tendency to humorously fall in the same same position when knocked unconscious, tin can be used to identify him from the other soldiers.[17]

Following the torture sequence in Metallic Gear Solid, Johnny tin be tricked into unlocking Snake's jail cell, past either using the Ketchup provided past Otacon, or by hiding under the bed before he returns from the bathroom, though these methods will but work if Johnny has not seen them during a previous failed escape attempt. If Gray Play a joke on ends up cutting downwards the door, Johnny volition immediately run out of the bathroom to face up Ophidian, though different the other attempts, he cannot lock the player back in the prison cell since the door is damaged.

Johnny is fooled past Ophidian'south use of Ketchup equally fake claret.

The player then has three options in dealing with Johnny later on escaping the prison cell:

  • The histrion tin can knock him unconscious.
  • The player can kill him past breaking his neck (not-catechism).
  • The player tin can ignore him, resulting in Johnny attempting to give chase, but rushing to the bathroom soon afterward due to more than stomach pains.

Notation that if attempting to face up Johnny straight in either of the first two instances, he is significantly more difficult to defeat compared to the other Genome Soldiers.

In the remake The Twin Snakes, Johnny has a dog tag, although the histrion tin't actually procure information technology from him. Instead, they accept to take information technology from Meryl while she is still disguised as Johnny in the Nuclear Warhead Storage building'due south starting time basement. In the sequence later Meryl knocks Johnny out; if the player attempts to shoot the unconscious Johnny, the photographic camera volition turn away from from him and thus preclude him from being killed.

The June 2009 effect of Game Informer ranked Johnny #vii in their list of the superlative 10 most pathetic enemies, based on his appearance in Metal Gear Solid.

Metal Gear Solid ii: Sons of Liberty

Johnny returns for a pair of vocalisation-over cameos in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. In an early version of the story, his full proper name was to exist Johnny Sasaki-Slater and he originally had a pocket-size role in the main plot in which his graphic symbol, a Patriot spy, would die from a pacemaker malfunction afterwards coming in contact with Raiden. The scene was retained in the concluding version, but Richard Ames took said identify.[18]

In Metal Gear Solid 2, Johnny does not make a physical appearance, though the player can heed to his conversations on two occasions. During Raiden's talk with Ames, where he uses the directional microphone to listen in on Solidus and Ocelot's chat, if the role player points the mic at the bath door in the corner, they'll hear Johnny talking to himself whilst on the toilet. Later, Johnny can be found during Raiden'south sniper trial at the lesser of the Big Beat's Struts. When guarding Emma's advance with sniper fire, using the directional microphone while she is backside the second strut will trigger a conversation.[12] In improver, he does have a cursory cameo in the Education Manga included in the instruction transmission, where he was amid the soldiers patrolling the USS Discovery, with Snake quickly tranquilizing him with his M9 and aiming for his head. After he passes out, Snake pondered if information technology was Johnny due to his sleeping position, referring to how he was knocked out in Metal Gear Solid.

Metal Gear Solid iv: Guns of the Patriots


Meryl and Johnny

Meryl and Johnny in Metal Gear Solid 4.

In Metal Gear Solid iv, Johnny'due south face is revealed for the first fourth dimension in the series. Concept art indicated that he, similar Meryl, was to have originally worn a regular military cap, albeit sideways. During the battle in Advent Palace, Johnny will give Old Snake some ammo if he starts to run low. If Johnny dies, images of his past, including those from Shadow Moses, will flash on-screen, instead of Snake's. In addition, when Ophidian get-go encounters Johnny in Act 1, pressing the Ten button will outcome in flashbacks to when Meryl held up Serpent when he walked out of the DARPA Main's jail cell.

Johnny's grandfather, the Soviet jail guard who befriends Naked Ophidian in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, was originally planned to make a cameo in the ending of Metal Gear Solid 4 as a invitee attending his grandson'south wedding with Meryl. This would've been the outset time in the series that Johnny and his grandad ever appeared together, only the elderly Johnny's cameo was scrapped and only the concept art was published.[nineteen]

Johnny was besides a playable character in Metal Gear Online, and had the M82A2 along with the XM8 Compact as his exclusive weapons. He was unlockable via the Cistron expansion, and his skills included displaying all traps on the electric current map if playing as him and convincing traps and simultaneously turning them into useful items via pressing the Triangle button, and after he killed a sure amount of players he would lose command of his bowels causing a green gas deject to form behind him, causing every character around him to start cough. In addition, his eyewear could besides exist unlocked in the Rewards shop of Metallic Gear Online. If he was tranquilized, he'd sometimes say "Laissez passer me...the TP...please?", alluding to his bowel problems.

Game Informer ranked Johnny #7 in their list of the top x dorks of 2008.

His infamous downed pose was replicated past Liquid Ocelot later on the latter is defeated.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Johnny's bowel bug are given a brief reference in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, where a random Militaires Sans Frontières soldier will say "Ohhh... my stomach..." on their profile on Female parent Base of operations'southward soldier menu.  Additionally, Johnny's likeness is likewise used for character portraits assigned to random MSF recruits.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Johnny has a vox only cameo in the extra op Déjà Vu. When passing by several port-a-johns nearly Camp Omega, groans will exist heard coming from one of them, alluding to Johnny'due south diarrhea problems, and Kazuhira Miller volition call the thespian telling him to leave him be as he has his own problems.[20] Calling Miller will accept him reiterate his earlier statement to the player,[21] [22] also as briefly wonder if he's Johnny Sasaki before dismissing the thought.[23] In improver, i of the questions on the hard mode mail service-mission quiz involves what Johnny was wearing when Meryl knocked him out and stole his uniform in the English version (or rather, what was covering him).

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Hurting

Johnny and his bowel bug were given an indirect reference in The Phantom Pain every bit a context-dependent cassette record, which could be used while hiding in a port-a-john to cancel a soft alert to imply that the port-a-john was "occupied."

Versus Battle

Johnny Sasaki as well appeared in Versus Boxing.

Skilled Sharpshooter When it Counts
IBS, Unremarkably Klutzy, Not Always Dressed
Unenhanced with nanomachines unlike his Rat Patrol teammates, Johnny withal became a versatile spotter, sniper, data, & explosives adept
―Johnny Sasaki's bio on Versus Battle


  • Metal Gear Solid (The Twin Snakes)
  • Metallic Gear Solid: Integral (VR Missions; not-catechism)
  • Metallic Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (vocalisation and Instruction Manga)
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Ophidian Eater (indirectly mentioned)
  • Metal Gear Solid iv: Guns of the Patriots
  • Metal Gear Solid V: Footing Zeroes (mentioned and vocalism [Déjà Vu mission]; not-canon)


Notes and references

  1. ^ Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Kojima Productions (2008).
    Solid Serpent: You haven't even taken the safety off, rookie. // Johnny (Akiba): Conscientious, I'm no rookie! I'm a 10-year vet!
    This exchange occurred in 2014, during Snake'south infiltration of Appearance Palace in the Middle East.
  2. ^ Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Kojima Productions (2008).
    Johnny (Akiba): Meryl... I've e'er loved you. Always since Shadow Moses, when I offset laid eyes on you.
  3. ^ Metal Gear Solid, Konami Figurer Entertainment Nihon (1998).
    Johnny Sasaki: ...Defenseless a damned cold. I hate Alaska. Male child oh boy that woman [Meryl Silverburgh] is congenital all right.
    This cutscene is unlocked if the thespian makes a left plough, subsequently entering the air ducts of the Tank Hangar'due south B1 flooring, and looks down a vent.
  4. ^ Metallic Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Nihon (1998).
    Kenneth Baker: I was in contact with [Meryl Silverburgh] by Codec. Until I was tied up here that is. // Solid Ophidian: Codec? // Baker: Yes. She stole it from the baby-sit. If she nevertheless has it, yous should be able to contact her.
  5. ^ Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Amusement Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: Meryl, the engineer'due south okay. // Meryl Silverburgh: That's a relief. // Snake: I desire you to look after him. Where are you lot now? // Meryl: Very close. // Baby-sit: There she is! Over there! // Meryl: Oh no! Damn...they've spotted me!! // (Meryl gasps as she loses contact with Snake) // Snake: Meryl! What happened!?
  6. ^ Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Ophidian: Why didn't y'all contact me? // Meryl Silverburgh: My Codec was cleaved.
  7. ^ Metallic Gear Solid, Konami Computer Amusement Japan (1998).
    Johnny Sasaki: [Solid] Snake. It'due south show time. [Revolver] Ocelot wants you.
  8. ^ Metal Gear Solid, Konami Figurer Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Solid Snake: Is at that place whatever cold medicine on this base? // Otacon: What'south wrong, Ophidian? You defenseless a cold? I think at that place's some in the commander'due south room. [...] I gave directions to another soldier [Johnny Sasaki] who had caught a cold. // Snake: Well it looks like he gave the cold to me.
  9. ^ Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Amusement Japan (1998).
    Johnny Sasaki: That cold medicine knocked me out ...and it doesn't fifty-fifty work!
  10. ^ Metal Gear Solid, Konami Estimator Entertainment Japan (1998).
    Johnny Sasaki: Hachooh!!! Damn! ...I defenseless a cold... That witch! She took my clothes!
  11. ^ Metal Gear Solid, Konami Computer Amusement Japan (1998).
    Johnny Sasaki: What the hell?
  12. ^ a b Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Konami Computer Amusement Japan (2001).
    Johnny Sasaki: Freeze! // Emma Emmerich: Ack! // Johnny: A girl! What're y'all doing here? // Emma: It's not past choice, thank you very much. // Johnny: Oh. // Emma: Y'all're not gonna -- shoot me? // Johnny: Nope... // Emma: Why non? // Johnny: Stay away from proficient-looking women when you're fighting. Otherwise you lot get striking with diarrhea. // Emma: Huh? // Johnny: One of the few things I learned from Shadow Moses. // Emma: What are you talking almost? // Johnny: Aboriginal history. Don't worry almost it. // Emma: Ah, I take no idea what you're talking about, simply does this hateful you're letting me go? // Johnny: Well, you could have found a nicer way to say that, but sure. Amend hurry. // Emma: Thanks... // Johnny: Don't mention information technology, just run like hell -- oh no, my tum -- not again -- // (Johnny groans in pain) // Johnny: ...this identify is about to sink. But go out fast, okay? Ohhh... // Emma: Wait! // Johnny: What? // Emma: What's your proper noun? // Johnny: Don't have one. // Emma: ...huh? // Johnny: OK, fine, it's Johnny. Ohhh -- I'grand not gonna make information technology! // Emma: Hey! If we run into each other once again -- // Johnny: Ohhhh! // Emma: Ha! What a weird guy....
  13. ^
  14. ^
  15. ^ Metal Gear Solid by Raymond Benson, Del Rey Books (2008).
    "I'll alive. Is that idiot baby-sit out there?" "Johnny? He used to be the caput reckoner technician here at Shadow Moses. I guess the terrorists brainwashed him or something to work for them."
  16. ^ Metallic Gear Solid: Integral (Japanese version), Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (1999).
  17. ^ YouTube video "MGS VR SPECIAL MISSION 06" [i]
  18. ^ Metallic Gear Solid ii Thousand Game Plan, Konami Reckoner Entertainment Japan (1999).
  19. ^ Metal Gear Solid four: Master Fine art Works, page 176.
  20. ^ Metal Gear Solid Five: Ground Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    Kazuhira Miller: Someone's in the outhouse... Some soldier with stomach trouble? I think he's gonna be a while. Better leave him alone.
  21. ^ Metallic Gear Solid Five: Ground Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    Kazuhira Miller: I'd say he's having a tough time in there.
  22. ^ Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    Kazuhira Miller: Better get out him alone.
  23. ^ Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Kojima Productions (2014).
    Kazuhira Miller: Is that... Johnny? ... No, forget I said anything.


Metal Gear Solid 4 How Did Johnny Get So Good UPDATED

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